Tuesday, February 26, 2008

kitty blues

i am not as fond of cats as i am of dogs...cats are alright. when i think of cats i see an animal that rubs against your feet or is meowing and purring and shedding hair all over the place, but She-la...she's different i suppose. she doesn't really talk very much, she purrs but you really have to hold her for awhile and coo before she opens up. she will be waiting at the door when you come home but if you try to say "hey baby" and love on her she scampers down the hall like you smell bad or something. now there is no problem with the shedding, she does that just fine...a little much actually...but i don't understand why she doesn't want to curl up with me while i read or lay down on my feet or something. i am not worried as much as i am sad. She-la is very sweet and quiet and lovable but she still seems to just stay away.



tink3333 said...

Your pets are adorable! I used to have a cat that looked just like She-la - I wonder if they are similar breeds? He was kind of a wild cat, and he was enormous (30 lbs!). His name was Taz. When we brought him home, our dog chased him around the house, and he hit one of the toilets with the side of his body - he cracked the toilet. He was a little husky. :-) He also had really long claws, so I always wondered if he was part bobcat or something. I am thinking about getting another cat, but I have small kids now, and I am not sure which breed would be the best. How does yours do with the kids?

kitty pooch said...

She's great with the kids, acts just like them actually. She will hide behind something and when one of the kids passes by she'll jump high in the air then run to the other side of the room, really cute to watch. The kids will keep running back and forth trying to get her to do it again.

Anonymous said...

I have a siamese mix cat. He likes to go around the house calling out my daughter's name. He actually says "Ni-cole". He is going on 18 this year. Cat's have a mind of their own. They actually consider the human to be their pet. You say that She-la sheds a lot. Are you able to brush her daily? This may help. Or it might be her diet?

Anonymous said...

My daughters cat adopted me after she moved out. He used to stay in one room of the house, but over time he has finally(after 18 months)come out into the rest of the house to be with me. As She-la gets older and more familiar with you and your family you will see a difference in her (especially when she gets past the kitten phase)