Wednesday, March 5, 2008

kitty land

My little kitty is the best. She-la finally decided she likes her hammock. My husband has made her a little playland to have as her own and just recently we added a hammock. Well it really was a baby sling that we took apart and screwed to the ceiling so that she has a place to kick it. We actually put it up about two weeks ago but She-la at first was not havin' any of all. We put her in and she quickly jolted out then down the pole and was in the bedroom hiding before we could see where she went. We left her alone and just waited to see what she would do. A copule days went by and we would see her gently paw at the thing to see if it would move. Pawing became stepping into, stepping into became walking on, walking on finally became laying on after about a week. Once she was comfortable with being in it we would see her lay down and start to hang out. While she would be kickin' it she would swish her tail back and forth, you know how cats do. Well it became a game to try to catch her tail.

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